Free Medical Clinic

To ensure that all free treatments are reserved for the needy people we evaluate the financial situation of every potential patient carefully. If they match our criteria they get a Bali Sehat member card which entitles them to get free medical treatments whenever they need them. So far, our statistics show an acceptance rate of 75% and around 600 registered members in 2021.

In our clinic we treat the poor population in our area for free while at the same time we accept other patients who pay a normal price for our services. This helps us raise funds for the free treatments and other programs of our Yayasan.

Our Medical Services include:

General Medical Care

We have 6 General Practicioners, who treat a wide variety of illnesses and injuries every day. The most frequent diseases are hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, lower back pain, gastritis, dermatitis and diabetes. 

Emergency First Response

All our doctors and nurses are fully and regularly trained in EFR and our ambulance is equipped with an AED, which can mean the difference between life and death in a critical situation.

However, they must also deal with all sorts of injuries which happen on a daily basis since safety measures at workplaces are not a major topic in rural Bali.

Preventative Medical Care

Since the local diet is very limited and malnutrition a common phenomenon in East Karangasem vitamins and other suplements are essentiel to prevent future illness. Especially elderly people, children and pregnant women need help building up a healthy and strong immune system which will protect them and hopefully prevent them from becoming our patients in the future.

Dental Care

Our two dentists are busy with free treatments and paying patients since they started their work in October 2021. They offer all basic treatments and services including fillings, extractions, implants, root canal treatments, dentures, bridges and braces for children and adults.

Our preventative medical care program includes the daily education of our patients about healthy diets, hygiene and exercise as well as distributing toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Maternity Care

In Indonesia, midwives are trained to take care of mother and child during pregnancy, birth and post-partum phase. They are allowed to handle normal birthing situations independendly from doctors. Only complicated cases, emergencies and caesarian sections need the care of a specialist.

Physio Therapy

Based on the diagnosis of our General Practicioners our physio therapist treats patients with rheumatoid arthritis, post stroke symptoms, back pain and other musculoskeletal problems. Our patients benefit significantly from his work since he is able to reduce their pain without using drugs.

We have 4 experienced midwives in our team and our maternity station will be ready for inpatients around Mai 2022.

Catfish Program

Since the pandemic the quality of nutrition has dropped dramatically in our region. Unusually low yields of the fishermen this year have been aggravating the situation. As a result, the general diet consists mainly of rice with very little protein and vegetables. This is the reason why we have developped our Catfish Program.

Food Aid Program

This program was initiated by one of our donors with the aim to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the families which depend mostly on tourism. Thanks to these earmarked donations we can distribute 1,120 monthly food packages with essential and healthy nutrition to as many carefully evaluated families in 8 villages. The program started in August 2021 and, based on the funds we have, will be continued until January 2022.

There is a high demand for catfish in Indonesia and ideal conditions for catfish farming. After the initial investments made by us and the community of Culik the business can be run independently by the villagers. It will give them both an income and a regular supply of high quality protein. This newest of our programs will launch as soon as the funding for the first stage is complete and will be expanded regularly with new fundings.