Bali Sehat

has been providing professional health care free of charge to the poor population of East Karangasem in the North-East of Bali since 2012 as a registered and officially acknowledged Non-Profit Organisation, in Indonesia called Yayasan.

Program and Projects

Bali Sehat offers free medical treatments in a newly built clinic and has several programs which enhance the general health and quality of life of the poorest in East Karangasem.


We inform regularly about our projects and experiences in our News Blog and by means of a newsletter.

Financial Transparency

Bali Sehat has a 100% transparency policy concerning fundings and financials to create a bond of trust between the Yayasan and its donors.

Yayasan Bali Sehat relies on donations to cover the costs for our clinic and other care programs.
Please, help us fullfill our mission.